Happy TV

This company was founded in 1994 under the name Kosava. The company was the broadcaster of Kosava TV, firstly owned by state companies and Marija Milosevic, the daughter of ex-Yugoslav president, Slobodan Milosevic. After the democratic changes in 2000, Marija Milosevic sold the company to lawyer Borivoj Pajovic, at that time the President of the Board of Directors in daily newspaper Blic. Over the years, the company changed ownership a couple of times and today is in the hands of Predrag Rankovic, a controversial Serbian businessman.

In January 2017 Happy got 4.8 million euros loan from Kopernikus, owned by Srđan Milovanović now owner of O2 and Prva TV. Shares in Happy were used as collateral for loan so Kopernikus could become owner of this TV station if the loan is not repaid.

Key facts

Mother Company

Ideogram and Kanal 1

Business Form


Legal Form

limited liability company

Business Sectors

marketing, publishing, broadcasting


Individual Owner

Other Media Outlets

Other Online Outlets



General Information

Founding Year



Predrag Rankovic

Affiliated Interests Founder

Rankovic is widely known to the public by the name Peconi. According to information in the White Book produced by the Serbian police in 2001, Peconi was close to the Surčinski criminal clan. He was arrested in 2003 during police action Sablja, which was carried out following the murder of Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic. He also had a court process for tax evasion brought against him but this lapsed due to the statute of limitations. In 2010, his bodyguards clashed with the bodyguards of Ljubisa Buha Cume, the former leader of the Surcinski criminal clan. In 2017 Peconi was shot in a Belgrade hotel but survived. Rankovic is the owner of Fantasy sweets company and is connected to INVEJ company which belongs to his brother in law, Srdjan Sredojevic. Invej group consists of numerous privatized companies. Furthermore, almost all Invej related companies are registered at the same address - Aleksandra Dubceka 14 - as Happy TV. In 2007, when Ideogram asked for permission to buy a part of Kosava, their business plan was based on financial contracts with INVEJ and companies from that group. They also said that Predrag Rankovic would be President of the Board of Directors of Ideogram.




Aleksandra Dubčeka 14, 11080 Zemun, Serbia

Website: www.happytv.rs

Tax/ ID Number

Tax number: 100295660, ID number: 17004301

Financial Information

Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)

7.04 Mio.$ / 757.4 Mio. RSD

Operating Profit (in Mill. $)

- 0.20 Mio. $ / - 22 Mio. RSD

Further Information

Data Unavailable

ownership data is not publicly available, company/channel denies the release of information or does not respond, no public record exists

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Meta Data

Information about ownership could be found in the records of the Serbian Business Registers Agency but Rankovic, who is, supposedly, controlling this company is not mentioned.

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    Global Media Registry
    Funded by European Union
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